Sunday, April 26, 2015

Remains of an old mill?

I have seen numerous photos of the area once called "The Rocks" along the Rocky River just past the three railroad bridges off of Nobottom Road.

In the background of several 1800s photos you can see there was once a mill situated on the east bank.  The mill was gone very early, but a section of stonework that appears to have once directed the water to the waterwheel seems to have remained.

Today I took a jaunt to see if I could locate these rocks.  I couldn't make any positive identification yet, though I did see something in what I think would be the approximate location of the old mill that looked to be a collapsed rock wall.  I will need to make a closer inspection and see if any of the stone shapes are identifiable.

The photo below is not mine.  The collapsed rock wall that I saw, though, is out of sight to the bottom left of this photo.

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