Thursday, February 19, 2015

Mysterious bridge support beneath Bagley Road bridge

I have often perused what appears to be an old sandstone bridge support just south and nearly below the present Bagley Road bridge.  It is easy to see from the bridge if you are walking.  You can also get a closer view by leaving the Metro Park trail and tromping through the woods towards the underside of the Bagley Road bridge across the Rocky River.

I have determined, based on several maps, that this was for the quarry railroad.  If you look at the map below you can see that this railroad left the mainline near Depot street, crossed North Rocky River Drive (previously River Street), apparently descended down the side of the valley a bit, then crossed the river at this point.

You can also see that the Bagley Road bridge at this time did not cross at the same location.  It crossed slightly to the north.  It don't think it was called Bagley either at this time.

The map above is a detail from the book Images of America: Berea by Patricia M. Mote.  It originates from Mickey Sego's The Quarry Years for the Berea Area Historical Society, 1996

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