Monday, June 29, 2015

Interurban tracks remain in Strongsville, Ohio

B&O interchange Strongsville converted from Kurt Maechner on Vimeo.

As I further explore the Cleveland, Southwestern & Columbus interurban railway remains, I wanted to check out a spot I had heard about for years.  Apparently at the intersection of Prospect Road and the CSX, formerly B&O in Strongsville, the CSC once crossed the B&O as well.  I think it ran parallel to Prospect and crossed at an angle like the road does.  There also, as I have been told, was an interchange between the two rail lines.  The B&O seems to have kept a short portion of that interchange after the CSC abandonment and used it for a siding.

In this video you'll see the remaining used siding (it occasionally hosts a track machine) and then the abandoned tracks and switches across the road hidden in the grass.  I am not aware of how much of this was part of the CSC, but I have been told that whatever part it is, it is the only remaining trackage from the interurban.

On a side note, the Strongsville B&O train station once stood near this area as well.